The Grow Tees Valley Conference is a full day event focused on business growth

Taking place at the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough on Thursday 13th October, the Grow Tees Valley Conference is designed to help local businesses access the expertise, market opportunities, support and finance they need to grow. The Conference is free to attend.

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The Conference programme will include:

  • High profile speakers from national and local organisations, providing insight to the latest thinking on business growth
  • Speakers covering the latest opportunities for businesses to access new markets, support and finance
  • In depth work with experts to address barriers to growing your business
  • Case studies of successful businesses we can learn from
  • An exhibition and showcase of local success stories

More speakers and details of workshops will be announced in the coming weeks but we’re able to confirm our keynote speakers include:

Siobhan McArdle, Tees Valley LEP – Siobhan is the Chair of Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership and former Chief Executive of South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Siobhan will be describing the latest developments in the Tees Valley economy and what this means for local businesses.

Julie Gilhespie, Tees Valley Combined Authority – Julie is Chief Executive of Tees Valley Combined Authority, having joined the organisation in 2017 as the Finance Director for TVCA and South Tees Development Corporation. Julie will be sharing TVCA’s plans for business growth and support

Mauricio Armellini, Bank of England – Mauricio acts as the Bank of England’s representative in the North East of England. He was previously Chief Economist for the North East LEP until his appointment with the Bank in 2014. Mauricio will be sharing the Bank’s understanding of national economic trends.

Sarah Glendinning, CBI – Sarah is the North East Regional Director for national business organisation the CBI, representing member interests at a local, national and international level. Sarah will help us understand the regional picture and how local entrepreneurs may capitalise on the opportunities available.

Sophie Dale-Black, British Business Bank – Sophie is a Director in the British Business Bank’s UK Network, leading a team working across the Midlands and North to overcome the challenges facing smaller businesses in their access to finance journey. Sophie will be providing an update on latest opportunities for raising business finance

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The Conference is part of Grow Tees Valley, a part-funded service available to growth-oriented Tees Valley businesses employing fewer than 250 staff with an annual turnover no greater than €50m per annum. The Grow Tees Valley project is receiving up to £3.238m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.


If you have any enquiries you can contact the Conference team at ed/ge on


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